Competition and Consumer Law Update
Competition and Consumer Law Update
Wednesday 26 August 2015
Recording and Paper (PowerPoint slides only)
Length: 1 hour 33 minutes
Recorded 26 August 2015

Matt Murphy - Thomson Geer

David Gaszner - Thomson Geer

Mr Murphy's paper will:

cover substantive legislative amendments to the CCA since the commencement of the ACL on 1 January 2011;
consider recent case law on matters including cartel conduct; misleading or deceptive conduct; false and misleading representations and unconscionable conduct, and what practical effect those decisions have on how you might now advise your clients;
consider and discuss issues of market definition, in particular in the context of alleged cartels and anti-competitive mergers and acquisitions, and how consideration of the relevant definition of the 'market' is essential when advising on potential risks and options for clients;
discuss ways that conduct that is otherwise unlawful can be protected from prosecution by applying to the regulator;
highlight enforcement processes and actions taken by the ACCC in recent years, and how their enforcement powers are being deployed; and
address at a high level the recent recommendations for reform of competition law arising from the Harper Review.

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