Other Resources

eSafety Commissioner - Counselling and support services https://www.esafety.gov.au/about-us/counselling-support-services
Provides links to support, counselling and legal advice services for persons experiencing any form of online abuse. 

Fact Sheets Queensland Law Society   

Articles - Law Society of New South Wales

Health Insite http://www.healthinsite.gov.au/topics/Health_and_Wellbeing
Provides links to issues affecting your health, such as fitness, nutrition, mental health and drugs, as well as information on health-related issues, such as health insurance, the health system, legal issues and biotechnology.

Lawyers with Depression http://lawyerswithdepression.com
Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in the Legal Profession

Mental Health and Wellness in the Legal Profession https://mdcme.ca/courseinfo.asp?id=176 
The Canadian Bar Association’s online course

Minds Count Foundation (was known as Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation) https://mindscount.org/
The Society is a signatory to the Foundation's Guidelines

R U OK? http://www.ruokday.com

Wellbeing Guide https://issuu.com/australianlawstudentsassociation/docs/alsa_wellbeing_guide
Australian Law Students’ Association

Wellbeing@Work - http://www.wellbeingatwork.com.au/
Delivering yoga and meditation to workplaces in and around Adelaide.