Law Society of South Australia

Specialist Accreditation

An Accredited Specialist is a lawyer recognised as having expertise in a particular area of law.

Law Society of South Australia (LSSA) Accredited Specialists:

  • have at least five years full-time practice experience and at least three years practice experience in their area of specialisation;
  • maintain a high degree of professional development in their area of specialisation, which involves the continual development of their skills;
  • pass a comprehensive assessment process testing technical knowledge, writing and practical advocacy skills; and
  • apply for re-accreditation every three years, ensuring the highest standards are maintained.

Only practitioners who complete an LSSA Accredited Specialist course of assessment can call themselves an Accredited Specialist. You can easily recognise any lawyer who displays the Accredited Specialist logo and certificate of accreditation.

When a client chooses a lawyer who is an Accredited Specialist they:

  • can expect experience and expertise in a particular area of law;
  • can expect a high standard of professionalism;
  • are choosing a lawyer who is recognised as having an enhanced level of skill and a commitment to achieving higher levels of expertise through ongoing professional development.

Accredited Specialists are required to maintain a high level of education involvement in their areas of specialty by:

  • ensuring that the speciality remains a substantial part of their practice;
  • maintaining a higher level of continuing professional development than other lawyers; and
  • continually striving to improve the standing of their firm.

A list of all Law Society of South Australia Accredited Specialists is available in the table at the bottom of this page.

In June 2005 the Council of the Law Society of South Australia resolved to enter into an agreement with the Law Institute of Victoria to enable members of the Law Society of South Australia to undertake the program to become accredited specialists. Due to jurisdictional differences the specialist areas of law available to Law Society of South Australia members is restricted to areas of practice specified by the Council of the Law Society.

Specialist Accreditation is an assessment based selection process which identifies and acknowledges lawyers who have a high level of technical skill, but more importantly, are able to demonstrate the practical application of those skills via an assessment program. Depending on the specialist area, assessment will often involve a combination of written and oral submissions, mock or simulated interviews and written examinations. Where possible assessment will take place in South Australia however travel to Victoria is likely to be required for mock or simulated interview type assessments.

Application Guidelines are published for each area of accreditation on offer. These guidelines detail the types of assessment and when they will be run, as well as the core areas of knowledge for which you will need to display a working knowledge to successfully complete the assessment process.

Where relevant, South Australian representatives will be sourced to be involved in the planning and marking of assessments, however it is not uncommon for the Application Guidelines and assessments to include references or questions that will require a variation in theresponse according to the jurisdiction within which you work. These should be obvious and South Australian applicants respond according to the South Australian jurisdiction.

The Specialisation scheme is administered by the Specialisation Board, a committee of the Law Institute of Victoria Council. The Law Society of South Australia Education Section and the LIV Specialisation Department handle the daily operations.

For further information, please read the Specialisation Scheme Rules available by clicking here

Further information on the areas of accreditation coming shortly.

The Law Societies in each jurisdiction have worked together to develop a framework for a national mutual recognition policy that enables practitioners to have their accreditation gained in one State recognised in another state in certain circumstances.

Gaining mutual recognition may enable specialists who work in more than one State to maximise the opportunity to promote the services they offer.

If you have moved inter-State with your firm, or are currently required to service clients in more than one State, you may be eligible to have your accreditation recognised both here in SA and in other States in which you are practising.

The Specialist Accreditation Mutual Recognition Policy has been designed to cater for legal practitioners who:

  1. practise in a location close to a border and who are likely to draw clients from both States,
  2. practise in two or more States and who deal with clients from those States, and
  3. relocate their practice to a State different to that of their original accreditation.

Please read the full policy on Mutual Recognition by clicking here.

To apply for Mutual Recognition in South Australia please download the application form by clicking here.

For further information, please contact the Law Society Education Section on 08 8229 0222 or email

Law Society of South Australia Accredited Specialists

PractitionerFirmPhoneArea of Specialty
Miss Alicia Furman David Burrell & Co8269 7722Family Law
Miss Lauren De Vries Van Leeuwen Kin Lawyers08 7076 9333Family Law
Mr Christopher Swan Swan Family Lawyers8227 1970Family Law
Mr Ian Charman Adelta Legal8415 5000Family Law
Mr Mitchell Simmons Estrin Saul Lawyers and Migration Specialists(08) 9485 0650Immigration Law
Mr Ryan Thomas Andersons Solicitors8238 6666Family Law
Mr Samuel Burrell David Burrell & Co8269 7722Family Law
Mr Simon Frazer Simon Frazer0884103233Family Law
Mr Stuart Barr Barr Family Law Family Law
Mr Timothy Stokes HWL Ebsworth Lawyers8205 0800Tax Law
Mr Vinh Duong Vinh Duong & Associates Pty Ltd9793 9745Immigration Law
Mrs Heidi Hancock Hancock Family Law8723 3962Family Law
Mrs Jane Miller Jane Miller8231 2244Family Law
Mrs Wendy Barry Barry Family Law0439 119 416Family Law
Ms Alison James Alison Margaret James08 8212 7583Family Law
Ms Chanel Martin Resolve Divorce Lawyers7228 6110Family Law
Ms Dimitra Tolis Tolis & Co Lawyers8443 4888Family Law
Ms Rose Cocchiaro Resolve Divorce Lawyers7228 6110Family Law
Ms Selina Nikoloudakis Divorce Legal(08) 7160 0123Family Law
Ms Vanessa Camerlengo Resolve Divorce Lawyers7228 6110Family Law