Wellbeing and Resilience Online Programme
Wellbeing and Resilience Online Programme
Online Training

The Law Society of South Australia’s online Health and Wellbeing programme has been developed as a way of engaging with members of the South Australian Legal Profession on the important topic of mental health and wellbeing.

In the programme, you will acquire knowledge about mood disorders, causes, symptoms and treatment options, fostering positive prevention strategies, treatment and recovery strategies for depression, anxiety, addiction and stress, reducing stigmatising behaviours, attitudes and effects, and offering support and resources for recovery and the maintenance of wellness with a specific focus on the legal profession. The Health and Wellbeing programme for the Legal Profession is a project of the Law Society of South Australia, made possible by a grant from the Professional Standards Councils of Australia. It is based on a program created by the Canadian Bar Association the Mood Disorders Society of Canada and Bell Let’s Talk (a mental health awareness programme established by one of Canada’s major telecommunication providers). The support of the Professional Standards Council and the Canadian Bar Association is gratefully acknowledged.

The aim of this programme is for participants to expand their own knowledge of these issues, and for them to then contribute to the building of a culture of wellness and self-care throughout the legal profession in South Australia.

Please note this product does not need to be purchased through the online store. To begin the course click here