
To represent the interests of Members and the wider community, the Law Society actively seeks to influence policy and legislation through submissions to government, opposition parties, the courts and other bodies either in response to an invitation or otherwise.

Date issued
11 July 2024 Electoral (Accountability and Integrity) Amendment Bill 2024
8 July 2024 Inquiry into family violence orders
27 June 2024 Youth Aboriginal Community Court Interim Evaluation 2024
14 June 2024 Dog and Cat Management (Breeder Reforms) Amendment Bill 2024 
12 June 2024 Criminal Law Consolidation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment Bill 2024 
11 June 2024 Australian Mediator and Dispute Resolution System Standards
7 June 2024 Statutory Review of the Online Safety Act
1 June 2024 Reforming Australia’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime – second phase consultation View
1 June 2024 Cross-border Justice Regulations 2024
21 May 2024 Inquiry into economic self-determination and opportunities for First Nations Australians
20 May 2024 Increase to the costs disclosure threshold
16 May 2024 Claim farming targeting victims and survivors of child sexual abuse
14 May 2024 Statutes Amendment (Small Business Commission and Retail and Commercial Leases) Bill 2024
13 May 2024  Statutes Amendment (Criminal Justice Measures) Bill 2024  View 
8 May 2024   Inquiry into civics education, engagement and participation in Australia View
8 May 2024 Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Predation Offences) Amendment Bill 2024  View
3 May 2024   Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Regulations 2023 and Residential Parks (Electricity Information) Regulations 2024 View
24 April 2024  Indefeasibility of title: amendments to section 69(h) of the Real Property Act 1886 (SA) View
24 April 2024 Retirement Villages (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2024 
24 April 2024 Review of the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Declared Areas) Bill 2024
24 April 2024 Statutes Amendment (Criminal Proceedings) Bill 2024
22 April 2024 Commencement of the Child Sex Offenders Registration (Child-Related Work) Amendment Act 2024
17 April 2024 Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General’s Portfolio) Bill 2024
12 April 2024 Consultation on New Draft General Federal Law Rules
4 April 2024 Constitution (Countersigning) Amendment Bill 2023 View
25 March 2024  Review into Building Indemnity Insurance and related consumer protections  View
25 March 2024  Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Discussion Paper  View
21 March 2024  Statutes Amendment (Claim Farming) Bill 2024  View
15 March 2024   Nature Positive Laws: Reforming the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) View
15 March 2024   State Budget Submission 2024-2025 View
7 March 2024  Sentencing (Serious Child Sex Offenders) Amendment Bill 2024 View
4 March 2024  Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Section 31 Offences) Amendment Bill 2024  View
26 February 2024  Discussion Paper: Review of Sexual Consent Laws in South Australia View
22 February 2024  Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Additional High Risk Offenders) Amendment Bill 2024  View
21 February 2024  Commencement and implementation of the Succession Act (SA)  View
20 February 2024   Review of the Unclaimed Goods Act 1987 (SA) View
16 February 2024  Potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia  View
14 February 2024 Criminal Law Consolidation (Recruiting Children to Commit Crime) Amendment Bill 2024  View
14 February 2024  A New Aged Care Act: Exposure Draft Consultation Paper No.2  View
13 February 2024  Australia-United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) View
12 February 2024  Mental Health (Community Visitor Scheme) Amendment Bill 2023  View
12 February 2024  Amendments to the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Act 2007  View
9 February 2024  Work Health and Safety (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill 2024  View
9 February 2024 Portable Long Service Leave for the Community Services Sector  View
30 January 2024   Review of the Emergency Management Act 2004 (SA)  View
22 January 2024 Winding down Australia's cheques system View
18 January 2024  Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2024 View
18 January 2024 Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2024  View
15 January 2024 Electronic Execution and remote witnessing of statutory declarations and affidavits in South Australia  View
12 January 2024  Development of a Mental Health and Wellbeing Act  View
Date issued
21 December 2023  Bail (Contravention of Bail Agreements) Amendment Bill 2023  View
20 December 2023  Proposed changes to the Banking Code of Practice  View
20 December 2023   Continuing Professional Development - Family Violence  View
19 December 2023  Admission of Experienced Foreign Legal Practitioners  View
15 December 2023  Public Sector whistleblowing reforms: Stage 2  View
15 December 2023  Draft AMDRAS Standards View
8 December 2023 Strengthening Security of law firm trust account payments  View
8 December 2023   Costs in anti-discrimination matters - Australian Human Rights Commissioner (Costs Protection) Bill 2023  View
24 November 2023   ANZSCO Comprehensive Review - Legal Services  View 
24 November 2023   Inquiry into Subdivision C of Part 2 of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (Cth)  View
17 November 2023   Consultation Paper - Achieving Greater Consistency in Laws for Financial Enduring Powers of Attorney  View 
14 November 2023   Proposed amendments to sections 19 and 36 of the Advance Care Directives Act 2013 (SA) View 
8 November 2023  Proposed Changes to the Small Business Commissioner Act 2011 (SA) View
1 November 2023   Statutes Amendment (Victim Impact Statements Bill) 2023  View
1 November 2023   Public Assemblies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2023 and Summary Offences (Reversal of Section 58 Changes) Amendment Bill 2023  View
31 October 2023  Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) Bill 2023 View
20 October 2023   Controlled Substances (Destruction of Seized Property) Amendment Bill 2023  View
20 October 2023  Exposure Draft of the Family Law Amendment Bill (No 2) 2023  View
13 October 2023   Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill 2023  View
13 October 2023   HELP debt relief policy for legal practitioners working in rural, regional and remote locations View
10 October 2023 Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment Bill 2023   View
6 October 2023 Independent Review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership  
6 October 2023 Impairment Assessor Accreditation Scheme Review  
3 October 2023 Digital ID Bill 2023 (Exposure Draft) and related documents   View
3 October 2023 Evaluation of the Role and Operation of Suppression Orders in South Australia 
29 September 2023 Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Regulations 2023   View
27 September 2023 Statutory Declarations Amendment Bill 2023 View
25 September 2023 Criminal Law Consolidation (Section 20A) Amendment Bill 2023   View
22 September 2023 Amendments to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner Act 2015 (SA)  
21 September 2023   Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2023  View
19 September 2023   Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap  View
18 September 2023  Statutes Amendment (Public Trustee) Bill 2023  View
18 September 2023   ICAC Discussion Paper - Lobbying and influence  View 
11 September 2023  Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations - Prescribed Places) Amendment Bill 2023  View
8 September 2023   Impairment Assessment Guidelines Third Edition  View
6 September 2023   Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2023  View 
1 September 2023   A new Aged Care Act: the foundations - Consultation Paper No. 1 View
28 August 2023  Return to Work (Employment and Progressive Injuries) Amendment Bill 2023  View 
21 August 2023   Guide for Self-Represented Persons in the Court of Appeal  View
21 August 2023   Select Committee on Artificial intelligence - Call for Submissions  View
15 August 2023   Lifetime Support Authority - Expert Review Panel Guidelines  View 
7 August 2023  Child Sex Offenders Registration  (Child Related Work) Amendment Bill 2023  View 
28 July 2023   Fair Work Act 1994 - Key Issues for Reform  View 
14 July 2023   Safe and responsible AI in Australia  View 
12 July 2023  Continuing Professional Development for Legal Practitioners on Coercive Control  View
7 July 2023   Child Sex Offenders Registration (Child-Related Work) Amendment Bill 2023  View
5 July 2023  Supreme Court (Distribution of Business) Amendment Bill 2023  View
30 June 2023  Draft Practice Directions for the Youth Aboriginal Community Court Adelaide  View
26 June 2023   Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act Draft Bill  View
22 June 2023 Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 4) Bill 2023 View 
14 June 2023   A new model for regulating aged care - consultation paper 2 - details of the proposed new model   View 
9 June 2023  Family Law Amendment Bill 2023  View
7 June 2023   Youth justice and child wellbeing reform across Australia  View 
26 May 2023  Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment Bill 2023 View 
23 May 2023   Family Law Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2023  View
19 May 2023   Personal Mobility Device use in South Australia  View
12 May 2023   Proposed anti money laundering and counter-terrorism reforms View
12 May 2023  2023 Workplace Reform Consultations View 
12 May 2023  Government amendments to the Statutes Amendment (Serious Vehicle and Vessel Offences) Bill 2022 View
2 May 2023  Legislative Instruments (Commencement of Regulations) Amendment Bill 2023  View
28 April 2023  Independent Office of Animal Welfare Bill 2023  View
24 April 2023  Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill 2023  View
24 April 2023  Special Order under section 11 of the Police Act 1998 View
17 April 2023  Statutes Amendment (Identity Theft) Bill 2023  View 
14 April 2023  Inquiry into the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice) 2023  View 
12 April 2023  "Claim farming" of child sexual abuse and other personal injury claims  View
11 April 2023  Draft Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2023 View
11 April 2023  Statutes Amendment (Attorney General's Portfolio and Related Justice Measures) Act 2023 commencement date  View
31 March 2023  Costs in anti-discrimination matters - Australian Government Consultation View
28 March 2023  State Budget submission 2023-2024 View
24 March 2023  Review of the Animal Welfare Act  View
21 March 2023  Privacy Act Review Report View
17 March 2023  Succession Bill 2022 - Survivorship View
15 March 2023  Spent Convictions (Part 8A Findings) Amendment Bill 2023 View
9 March 2023  Consultation on victim impact statement reforms
9 March 2023 Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) Bill 2022
8 March 2023 Statutes Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) Bill 2022 View
6 March 2023 Consultation on Cultural Heritage Protection Reform Options View
2 March 2023 Development of policy positions on skilled migration reform
23 February 2023 Family Law Amendment Bill Exposure Draft and Consultation Paper
23 February 2023 Statutes Amendment (Loss of Fetus) Bill 2022
17 February 2023 Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-discrimination Laws 
16 February 2023 Draft Veterinary Services Bill 
15 February 2023 Evidence (Aboriginal Traditional Laws and Customs) Amendment Bill 2023 
12 February 2023 Access to offenders’ superannuation for victims and survivors of sexual abuse
9 February 2023 Inquiry of the Select Committee on Foreign Interference through Social Media
8 February 2023 Federal Judicial Commission
8 February 2023
Succession Bill 2022
6 February 2023 Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill 2022
3 February 2023 Select Committee on the Return to Work SA Scheme
31 January 2023 Police (Police Security Officers) Amendment Regulations 2022 View
Date issued
20 December 2022 Statutes Amendment (Serious Vehicle and Vessel Offences) Bill 2022
20 December 2022 First Nations Voice to SA Parliament
15 December 2022 Modernising SA's rental laws
12 December 2022 Review of the Best Practice Guide for Legal Practitioners in Relation to Elder Financial Abuse
25 November 2022 Review of the South Australian Employment Tribunal
24 November 2022 Public Finance and Audit (Auditor-General Access to Cabinet Submissions) Amendment Bill 2022
24 November 2022 Public Finance and Audit (Auditor-General Access to Cabinet Submissions) Amendment Bill 2022 
24 November 2022 Criminal Procedure (Monitoring Orders) Amendment Bill 2022 
16 November 2022  Employment White Paper Consultation
11 November 2022  Select Committee on the Return to Work SA Scheme View
11 November 2022 Review of the Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
11 November 2022 Consultation – Extending Part 8A of the Evidence Act 1929 to search warrants
9 November 2022 National Parks and Wildlife (Wombat Burrows) Amendment Bill 2022
7 November 2022 Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022
3 November 2022 Parliamentary Inquiry on the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Bill 2022 
2 November 2022 Draft National Principles to Address Coercive Control - subsequent response
31 October 2022 Draft National Principles to Address Coercive Control
19 October 2022 Inquiry into missing and murdered First Nations women and children 
17 October 2022 Statutes Amendment (Civil Enforcement) Bill 2022 
14 October 2022 Draft Equal Opportunity (Domestic Abuse) Amendment Bill 2022
14 October 2022 The Use of Surveillance and Monitoring Technology in Aged Care Discussion Paper
11 October 2022 Parliamentary Inquiry on National Anti-Corruption Commission Legislation 
10 October 2022 Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Bill 2022
10 October 2022 Fair Work (Domestic Violence Leave) Amendment Bill 2022
23 September 2022 Exemptions for litigation funding schemes
12 September 2022 Quality of Care Amendment (Restrictive Practices) Principles 2022
1 September 2022 Review of Model Defamation Provisions – Part A of the exposure draft amendments to the Model Defamation Provisions
25 August 2022 Young Offenders (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Amendment Bill 2022
23 August 2022 Review of the Mental Health Act 2009 (SA) 
18 August 2022 National Anti-Corruption Commission 
17 August 2022 Reviewing the operation of section 18 of the Return to Work Act 2014 (SA)
16 August 2022 Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022
16 August 2022 Magistrates Court (Nunga Court) Amendment Bill 2022 
11 August 2022 E-Petition to remove the order of signing from Advance Care Directives 
9 August 2022 Aged Care Amendment (Implementing Care Reform) Bill 2022 (Cth) 
9 August 2022 Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (General) Rules
3 August 2022 Reimbursement provisions of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 (SA) 
2 August 2022 Statutory Tort of Invasion of Privacy
25 July 2022 Establishment of a Building Tribunal View
15 July 2022 Reforms to the Victims of Crime Act 
15 July 2022 Advance Care Directives – Document Redesign Project
14 July 2022 Witness Competence Reference - supplementary submission View
11 July 2022 Witness Competence Reference
29 June 2022 Return to Work (Scheme Sustainability) Amendment Bill 2022 
15 June 2022 Review of the Ageing and Adult Safeguarding Act 1995 (SA)
9 June 2022 Return to Work (Permanent Impairment Assessment) Amendment Bill 2022 
27 May 2022 Statutes Amendment (Child Sex Offences) Bill 2022 
26 May 2022 Criminal Law Consolidation (Human Remains) Amendment Bill 2022 
20 May 2022 Expiry of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Regulations 2007
20 May 2022 Expiry of the Child Sex Offenders Registration Regulations 2007
19 May 2022 Establishment of a federal parole authority: intended policy advocacy
19 May 2022 Expiry of the Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) Regulations 2007 
19 May 2022 2022-23 State Budget Submission View
16 May 2022 Commencement of the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021 
12 May 2022 South Australian Public Health (COVID-19) Amendment Bill 2022 
9 May 2022 LSS Rules Review, Round 2 Public Consultation
20 April 2022 Offence of choking, suffocation or strangulation in a domestic setting 
13 April 2022 Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement – Legal Services Regulatory Dialogue
13 April 2022 Automated decision Making and AI Regulation – Issues Paper 
5 April 2022 Return to Work (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Amendment Bill 2020 
1 April 2022 Deceased Estates Inquiry
1 April 2022 Discussion Paper: Implementation considerations should coercive control be criminalised in South Australia 
24 March 2022 Voluntary assisted dying and offences relating to the use of carriage service for suicide related material under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)
16 March 2022 New family dispute resolution services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families 
10 March 2022 Review of Form 1 Vendor Statements: Consultation Paper 
2 March 2022 Public Consultation to Progress Further Respect@Work Recommendations
25 February 2022 Policy with respect to payment of superannuation and other entitlements to deceased estates
23 February 2022 Review of the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Bill 2022
23 February 2022 Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill 2022
17 February 2022 to the Hon Frank Pangallo MLC re meeting with the Law Society of South Australia 15 February 2022 
27 January 2022 COVID-19 Response Committee
13 January 2022 Statutes Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Act 2021
Date issued
20 December 2021 Review of the prescribed rental threshold under the Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 (SA) 
15 December 2021 Consultation on the proposed Powers of Attorney Bill 2021
10 December 2021 Religious Discrimination Bills package 
8 December 2021 Online Privacy Bill Exposure Draft and Privacy Act Review 
8 December 2021 Medicare Claims History Statements
7 December 2021 Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility in South Australia 
3 December 2021 South Australian Employment Tribunal Rules 2022
29 November 2021 Medicare Delays – Processing and Issuing Medicare Claims History Statements and Notices of Past Benefits  
24 November 2021 Online Privacy Bill Exposure Draft and Privacy Act Review 
23 November 2021 Federal Election – Call to Parties Document
16 November 2021 Draft Termination of Pregnancy Regulations 2021 
12 November 2021 Criminal Law Consolidation (Abusive Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2021 
8 November 2021 Key State Election Issues View
21 October 2021  Consultation on draft Controlled Substances (Youth Treatment Orders) Regulations
21 October 2021  Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Act 2021 (SA)
21 October 2021 Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Act 2021 (SA) 
15 October 2021  Changes to the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2017
6 October 2021 Statutes Amendment (Stealthing and Consent) Bill 2021
30 September 2021 Consultation on the draft Criminal Law Consolidation (Abusive Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2021 
29 September 2021 Consultation on a common pathway for digital execution of statutory declarations and deeds
21 September 2021 Road Traffic (Drug Driving and Careless or Dangerous Driving) Amendment Bill 2021
15 September 2021 Strengthening protections against unfair contract terms
13 September 2021 A mandatory reporting requirement for lawyers
6 September 2021 Succession Bill 2021 and Domestic Partners Property Act 1996 (SA) 
18 August 2021 Succession Bill 2021 as introduced into the House of Assembly on 23 June 2021
18 August 2021 Succession Bill 2021 as introduced into the House of Assembly on 23 June 2021 
6 August 2021 Litigation Funding Schemes: Guidance and Relief (ASIC CP 345)
4 August 2021 Model Operating Requirements Version 7 
4 August 2021 Advance Care Directives (Review) Amendment Bill 2021
23 July 2021 Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General’s Portfolio and Related Justice Measures) Bill 2021
21 July 2021 Return to Work (Impairment Assessment Guidelines) Amendment Bill 2021  View
16 July 2021 Consultation on the Forfeiture Bill 2021
14 July 2021 Review into Division 105A of the Criminal Code
13 July 2021 Review of the Native Vegetation Act 1991 
7 July 2021 Inquiry into the use of the term ‘good faith’ in civil penalty and criminal offence provisions in Commonwealth legislation
7 July 2021 Sex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amendment Bill 2021
1 July 2021 Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Repeal of Sex Work Offences) Bill 2020
30 June 2021  Victims of Crime (Fund and Levy) (Young Offenders) Variation Regulations 2021 
26 June 2021 Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General’s Portfolio and Related Measures) Bill 2021 
25 June 2021  Impairment Assessment Guidelines – Proposed Changes 
24 June 2021  OPCAT Implementation Bill 2021
24 June 2021  Amendments to the Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) Act 2007 (SA) 
24 June 2021 A New Decision-Making Framework for Property Matters in Family Law
21 June 2021 Proposed amendment to clause 18 of the Legislation Interpretation Bill 2021 
21 June 2021 Guaranteeing a minimum return of class action proceeds to class members
17 June 2021  Equal Opportunity (Unlawful Acts at Workplace) Amendment Bill 2021 
11 June 2021 Criminal Law Consolidation (Driving at Extreme Speed) Amendment Bill 2021 
9 June 2021 Family Law Amendment (Federal Family Violence Orders) Bill 2021 
9 June 2021 Consultation on draft Civil Liability (Serious Invasions of Privacy) Bill 2021 
7 June 2021 Raising the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
2 June 2021 To the Honourable Tammy Franks MLC - Amendment to the Legislation Interpretation Bill 2021 
2 June 2021  To the Attorney-General - Amendment to the Legislation Interpretation Bill 2021 
28 May 2021 Federal Government Response to the Respect @ Work Report 
28 May 2021 Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill 2021
21 May 2021 Select Committee on Land Access
21 May 2021  Inquiry into reform of South Australia’s regulatory framework
14 May 2021 IP Australia – Indigenous Knowledge Consultations 2021
10 May 2021 Review of direct cross-examination ban in family law proceedings
7 May 2021 Scale of fees under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1993 and the Mental Health Act 2009
6 May 2021 Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Repeal of Sex Work Offences) Bill 2020
6 May 2021 Review of Model Defamation Provisions – Stage 2: Discussion Paper
6 May 2021 Guardianship and Administration (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2021
6 May 2021 Australian Solicitors’ Conduct Rules – Rule 42 – Anti-discrimination and harassment
30 April 2021 Road Traffic (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill 2021
28 April 2021 Establishment of an accreditation system for Children’s Contact Services 
27 April 2021 Inquiries Bill 2021
27 April 2021 Social Security (Parenting payment participation requirements – class of persons) Instrument 2021
14 April 2021  Open letter to the Premier - 30th Anniversary of the National Report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody View
9 April 2021 Bow and Crossbow Hunting in South Australia
8 April 2021 Review of the Law Council’s Policy Statement on the Process of Judicial Appointments 
6 April 2021 Expiry of the Professional Standards Regulations 2006
6 April 2021 Expiry of the Partnership Regulations 2006 
6 April 2021 Succession Bill 2021
31 March 2021 Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee – Aboriginal Governance Inquiry
31 March 2021 Aboriginal Heritage Inquiry 
29 March 2021 Statutes Amendment (COVID-19 Permanent Measures) Bill 2021
29 March 2021 Independent review into harassment in the legal profession in South Australia
26 March 2021 CTP Claim Forms Review
March 2021 State Budget Submission View
25 March 2021 Federal Court of Australia: Digital Practice Committee consultation
25 March 2021 Recommendations of the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants 
19 March 2021 Operation of the Australian Crime Commission Amendment (Special Operations and Special Investigations) Act 2019 
19 March 2021 Inquiry into the Coast Protection Board and Legislation
16 March 2021 Commonwealth Integrity Commission ‘Reasonable suspicion’ thresholds
12 March 2021  Criminal Law Consolidation (Causing Death by Use of Motor Vehicle) Amendment Bill 2021 
4 March 2021 Civil Liability (Institutional Child Abuse Liability) Amendment Bill 2021 
2 March 2021 Compatibility Statements on Bills in the South Australian Parliament
2 March 2021 Draft CPD course outline: ‘Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals’
1 March 2021 Data Availability and Transparency Bills
1 March 2021 Statutes Amendment (Identity Theft) Bill 2021
26 February 2021 Second Stage of the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process
22 February 2021 Draft Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill 2021 
18 February 2021 Independent review into harassment in the legal profession - Part 2
16 February 2021 CTP Claim Forms Review 
15 February 2021 Coercive Control 
15 February 2021 Draft Spent Convictions (Decriminalised Offences) Variation Regulations 2021 
12 February 2021  Independent review into harassment in the legal profession - Part 1
10 February 2021 Proposal to amend the Evidence Act 1929 (SA)  View
1 February 2021 Review of Veterinary Practice Legislation in South Australia
29 January 2021 Inculcating the ‘Pro Bono Ethos’ in Law Students View
22 January 2021  Oaths (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2021  View
22 January 2021 Statutes Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill 2020  View
Date issued
 14 December 2020   COVID-SAfe Check-In  View
 7 December 2020   Australian Solicitors’ Conduct Rules: Public Consultation Paper on Proposed Rule 11A  View
 30 November 2020   Proposed Changes to the Freedom of Information Fees   View
 30 November 2020   Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill  View
 25 November 2020   Artificial Intelligence Action Plan for All Australians: Call for Views  View
 23 November 2020   Questionnaire regarding online dispute resolution  View
 20 November 2020   Succession Law Reform in South Australia  View
 18 November 2020   Singapore Convention on Mediation  View
 16 November 2020   Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)   View
 16 November 2020   Residential Tenancies (Renting with Pets) Amendment Bill 2020  View
 12 November 2020   Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms Bill) 2020  View
 2 November 2020   Inquiry on the future conduct of elections operating during times of emergency situations  View
 29 October 2020   Legislation Interpretation Bill 2020   View
 21 October 2020  Burial and Cremation (Aboriginal Ancestral Resting Places) Amendment Bill 2020   View
 14 October 2020  Notice of Motion re inquiry into sexual harassment in the legal profession  View
 13 October 2020   Gender Equality Bill 2020   View
 9 October 2020   Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General’s Portfolio) Bill 2020  View
 6 October 2020   Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2020  View
 17 September 2020   Consultation on the Draft Bill to Amend the Consent to Medical Treatment & Palliative Care Act 1995 and the Mental Health Act 2009   View
 9 September 2020  Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement   View
 7 September 2020   Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill 2020  View
 4 September 2020   Civil Liability (Institutional Child Abuse Liability) Amendment Bill 2020   View 
 2 September 2020  Federal Judicial Commission   View
 31 August 2020   Consultation on proposed amendments to the Animal Welfare Regulations  View
 31 August 2020   Addressing sexual harassment in the legal profession: measures proposed to drive cultural change in the legal profession   View
 31 August 2020   Joint Costs Advisory Committee Inquiry   View
 31 August 2020  Outcomes of the national roundtable addressing sexual harassment in the legal profession   View
 21 August 2020  ACCC news media and digital platforms mandatory bargaining code  View
 19 August 2020  Coroners (Inquests and Privilege) Amendment Bill 2020   View
 31 July 2020   Permanent Impairment Assessment Reports  View
 31 July 2020   Consistency in electronic execution of documents   View
 29 July 2020   State Government response to the Report on the Review of the Advance Care Directives Act 2013   View
 27 July 2020   Inquiry into the destruction of 46,000 year old caves at the Juukan Gorge in the Pilbara region of Western Australia   View
 23 July 2020   COVID-19: issuing of Centrelink clearances for personal injury compensation payments  View
 21 July 2020   Evidence (Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill 2020   View
 21 July 2020   Federal Court procedural reforms in response to the COVID-19 pandemic  View
 16 July 2020   Select Committee on the Effectiveness of the System of Committees of the SA Parliament   View
 1 July 2020   Spent Convictions (Designated Sex-Related Offences) Amendment Bill 2020  View
 1 July 2020   Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility   View
 22 June 2020  Access to Wills in SA  View
 15 June 2020  Statues Amendment (Transport Portfolio Bill) 2020  View
 12 June 2020  Disability Inclusion (Community Visitor Scheme) Amendment Bill 2020   View
 12 June 2020  Review of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Amendment Bill 2020  View
 12 June 2020  Gaps in safeguarding arrangements for people with disabilities in South Australia   View 
 9 June 2020   Draft Sentencing (Serious Repeat Offenders) Amendment Bill 2020   View
 28 May 2020   Surveillance Devices (Prescribed Circumstances) Variation Regulations 2020 and Motor Vehicle (Audio Visual Recordings) Variation Regulations 2020  View
 21 May 2020   Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill 2019  View
 14 May 2020  COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill 2020   View
 13 May 2020  Announcement of important innovations in child abuse, family violence and risk notification, screening and assessment, and update on the COVID-19 Lists  View
 12 May 2020   COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill 2020   View
 11 May 2020  Advance Care Directives Act 2013  View
 8 May 2020  Summary Offences (Liquor Offences) Amendment Act 2018   View
 8 May 2020  The National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct “SME Commercial Leasing Principles during COVID-19” and “COVID-19 Emergency Response Act” and related declarations  View
 6 May 2020   Fast Track Stream Rules 2020  View
 1 May 2020  Ratifying the International Labour Organisation’s Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work  View
 1 May 2020  COVID-19 Emergency Response (Bail) Amendment Bill 2020  View
 24 April 2020  Establishment of a COVID-19 Response Committee  View
 24 April 2020  Measures in response to COVID-19 – requirements around documents   View
 23 April 2020  Requirements regarding the witnessing of documents during COVID-19   View
 8 April 2020  Witnessing solemn documents and crossing State and Territory borders   View
 8 April 2020  Essential Legal Services  View
 7 April 2020  Draft Legal Practitioners (Senior and Queens Counsel) Amendment Bill 2020  View
 7 April 2020   South Australian Employment Tribunal measures in response to COVID-19   View
 3 April 2020  Measures to respond to COVID-19  View
 27 March 2020   Early release of prisoners   View
 20 March 2020   Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill 2020   View
 10 March 2020   Model Operating Requirements and Model Participation Rules – Version 6  View
 3 March 2020  E-Conveyancing: Handling of funds in an interoperable ELN environment    View
 7 February 2020   Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance Premium Determination 2020-21  View
 6 February 2020   Council of Attorneys-General Age of Criminal Responsibility Working Group Review  View
 6 February 2020   Inquiry into whether Australia should enact legislation comparable to the United States Magnitsky Act 2012  View
 23 January 2020   Draft Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019  View
 20 January 2020   Options on addressing sexual harassment in the legal profession  View
 15 January 2020   Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)  View
 10 January 2020   Migration Amendment (Regulation of Migration Agents) Bill 2019  View
 8 January 2020   Review of Model Defamation Provisions – Draft Amendments  View
Date issued
20 December 2019 Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017
16 December 2019  Labour Hire Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 
4 December 2019 Labour Hire Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 
4 December 2019 Legal Practitioners (Foreign Lawyers and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2019 
25 November 2019 Consultation on the first Family Court of Australia and Federal Circuit Court of Australia Joint Practice Direction for Family Law
25 November 2019 Legal Practitioners (Foreign Lawyers) Amendment Bill 2019
22 November 2019 Electronic case management system
13 November 2019  Statutes Amendment (Suspension of the South Eastern Freeway Offences) Bill 2019 View 
30 October 2019  Proposed approach to managing Return to Work Act 2014 cases at hearing and determination
30 October 2019 Controlled Substances (Nitrous Oxide) Amendment Bill 2019  
28 October 2019  Sentencing (Suspended and Community Based Custodial Sentences) Amendment Act 2019 
24 October 2019  Health Care (Health Access Zones) Amendment Bill 2019 
9 October 2019 Summary Offences (Trespass on Primary Production Premises) Amendment Bill 2019 
4 October 2019 Supreme Court (Court of Appeal) Amendment Bill 2019 
2 October 2019  Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 
30 September 2019  Report on the Review of the Advance Care Directives Act 2013
26 September 2019 Report on Redrafting the Academic Requirements for Admission
18 September 2019 Options for improving the family violence competency of legal practitioners  
18 September 2019 Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants 
16 September 2019 Review of the Intergovernmental Agreement for an Electronic Conveyancing Law
16 September 2019  Religious Freedom Draft Exposure Bills 
11 September 2019  Australian Human Rights Commission – Discussion Paper: Priorities for Federal Discrimination Law Reform 
9 September 2019  Consultation on a Modern Award for Early Career Lawyers in Private Practice 
2 September 2019 Retail and Commercial Leasing Act (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 
27 August 2019 Limitation of Actions (Actions for Child Abuse) Amendment Bill 2019
23 August 2019 Land Acquisition (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 
23 August 2019  Married Persons (Separate Legal Status) Bill 2019
22 August 2019 Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Australian Legal Profession
22 August 2019  Surrogacy Bill 2019
22 August 2019  Proposed changes to Firearms Act and Regulations 
21 August 2019  Australian Law Reform Commission - Final Report of the Inquiry into the Family Law System
14 August 2019 Criminal Law Consolidation (False or Misleading Information) Amendment Bill 2019
9 August 2019 Criminal Law Consolidation (Child-Like Sex Dolls Prohibition) Amendment Bill 2019 
8 August 2019  Coroners (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 
7 August 2019  Statutes Amendment (Legalisation of Same Sex Marriage Consequential Amendments) Bill 2019 
1 August 2019  Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill 2018 
31 July 2019 Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill 2018 
22/07/2019 Criminal Code Amendment (Agricultural Protection) Bill 2019 
18/07/2019 Evidence (Reporting on Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill 2019 
15/07/2019 Inquiry into matters of public integrity in South Australia
09/07/2019 Mandating electronic filing  View
13/06/2019 Electronic Management System Project 
13/06/2019 Review of the Mandatory Data Retention Regime 
07/06/2019 Review of the Citizenship Revocation Provisions by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security 
05/06/2019 Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults on Prescribed Emergency Workers) Amendment Bill 2019 
31/05/2019  South Australian Abortion Law Reform Reference View 
24/05/2019 Review of the Advance Care Directive Act 2013  View
22/05/2019 Evidence (Domestic Violence Proceedings) Variation Regulations 2019 and Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recorded Evidence) Variation Regulations 2019 
21/05/2019 Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill 2019
15/05/2019 Oversight of Berkshire Hathaway files
06/05/2019 Road Traffic (Miscellaneous) (Electric Personal Transporters) Variation Regulations 2019 and another
03/05/2019 Review of South Australia’s Major Indictable Reforms 
17/04/2019 Inquiry into matters of public integrity in South Australia  
29/04/2019 Review of Model Defamation Provisions
17/04/2019 Inquiry into matters of public integrity in South Australia 
10/04/2019  Legal Practitioners (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 View 
08/04/2019  Reporting Directions and Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines for Consultation 
05/04/2019 Draft Ageing and Adult Safeguarding Regulations 2019 
02/04/2019  Technology assisted abuse  View 
27/03/2019  Section 61 of the Return to Work Act 2014 (SA)
26/03/2019  Victims of Crime (Offender Service and Joinder) Amendment Bill 2019
21/03/2019  Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health
21/03/2019 Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Regulations 2019
14/03/2019 Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Psychologists) Amendment Bill 2019 View
14/03/2019 Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) (Development Assessment) Variation Regulations 2019 View
05/03/2019 Counter-Terrorism Legislation View
26/02/2019 Statutes Amendment (Child Exploitation and Encrypted Material) Bill 2018 View
25/02/2019 Sentencing (Suspended and Community Based Custodial Sentences) Amendment Bill 2019 View
20/02/2019 Surrogacy Bill 2018 View
15/02/2019 Criminal Law Consolidation (Foster Parents and other Positions of Authority) Amendment Bill View
11/02/2019 Terror Suspect Regulation View
21/01/2019 Controlled Substances (Drug Offences) Amendment Bill 2018 View
15/01/2019 The establishment of a Commonwealth Integrity Commission View
14/01/2019 Australian Citizenship Amendment (Strengthening the Citizenship Loss Provisions) Bill 2018 View
11/01/2019 Maximising the participation of the person - Draft Guidelines for Australian Tribunals View
Date issued
12/12/2018 Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Investigation Powers) No 2 Amendment Bill 2018 View
12/12/2018 Transfer of the Motor Accident Commission View
10/12/2018 Exposure Draft Native Title Reforms View
26/11/2018 Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill 2018 View
23/11/2018 Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Bill 2018 and Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2018 View
16/11/2018 Legislative exemptions that allow faith-based educational institutions to discriminate against students, teachers and staff
23/10/2018 Residential Parks (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2018 
19/10/2018 Office for the Ageing (Adult Safeguarding) Amendment Bill 2018 
05/10/2018 Motor Accident Injury Assessment Scheme Accreditation Panel
04/10/2018 Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police Powers at Airports) Bill 2018 
25/09/2018 Consultation to develop the detailed Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
24/09/2018 Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017 
21/09/2018 Fair Work Amendment (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2018
18/09/2018 Children and Young People (Safety) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2018
11/09/2018 Consultation on Human Rights and Technology View
07/09/2018 Establishment of a Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People for South Australia
05/09/2018 Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture, Cruel, Inhuman and Other Degrading Treatment in Australia: Consultation Paper, Stage Two
05/09/2018 Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017 – Civil Debt Recovery 
31/08/2018 Statutes Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 2018 View
27/08/2018 Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Investigation Powers) Bill 2018 View
22/08/2018 Protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics in the context of medical interventions View
22/08/2018 Mortgage – Justification for change of mortgagor name instrument and amendment to Real Property Regulations 2009 View
21/08/2018 Veterans’ Advocacy and Support Services Scoping Study
17/08/2018 Health and Other Services (Compensation) Act 1995 (Cth) and section 33(20) of the Return to Work Act 2014 (SA)
13/08/2018 Commencement of section 269C(3) Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 
07/08/2018 South Australian Employment Tribunal (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2018
07/08/2018 Joint Select Committee on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – oversight of redress related recommendations View
06/07/2018 South Australian Law Reform Institute Surrogacy Reference  View
27/07/2018 Retail and Commercial Leases (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2017
19/07/2018 Statutes Amendment (SACAT Federal Diversity Jurisdiction) Bill 2018 View
18/07/2018 Defence Amendment (Call out of Australian Defence Force) Bill 2018
16/07/2018 Modern Slavery Bill 2018  View
05/07/2018 Statutes Amendment (SACAT Federal Diversity Jurisdiction) Bill 2018 
29/06/2018 Controlled Substances (Youth Treatment Orders) Amendment Bill 2018 View
25/06/2018 Judicial Conduct Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2018 View
18/06/2018 Electoral (Prisoner Voting) Amendment Bill 2018 View
14/06/2018 Consultation on the Statutes Amendment (Drug Offences) Bill 2018 View
13/06/2018 Limitation of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill 2018 View
08/06/2018 Sentencing (Release on Licence) Amendment Bill 2018 View
08/06/2018 Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2018 View
05/06/2018 Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Investigation Powers) Amendment Bill 2018 View
16/05/2018 Summary Offences (Disrespectful Conduct in Court) Amendment Bill 2018 View
16/05/2018 Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition Relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
09/05/2018 Independent Review of the ReturnToWork Act 2014
07/05/2018 Professional review of land use definitions and classes, for South Australia's Planning and Design Code View
07/05/2018 Review of the Family Law System Issues Paper  View
18/04/2018 Evidence (Journalists) Amendment Bill 2018 View
17/04/2018 Supplementary Submission - Independent Review of the Administration and Operation of the ReturnToWork Act 2014 View
16/04/2018 Efficacy of current regulation of Australian migration agents
06/04/2018 Review processes associated with visa cancellations made on criminal grounds
26/03/2018 Second Consultation on the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal's Fee Waiver and Concession Policy View
22/03/2018 SALRI Provocation Stage 2 Report View
09/03/2018 Closing the Gap Refresh  View
22/02/2018 Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Poultry View
22/02/2018 Independent Review of the Administration and Operation of the Return to Work Act 2014 View
19/02/2018 SA Health Mandatory Drug Treatment Consultation
13/02/2018 Judiciary Amendment (Commonwealth Model Litigant Obligations) Bill 2017
18/01/2018 Commonwealth Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Bill 2017 and related bill 
17/01/2018 Family Law Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2017 and Family Law Amendment (Parenting Management Hearings) Bill 2017
12/01/2018 Reforms to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) Options Paper View
Date issued
18/12/2017 2018-2019 Pre-Budget Submissions View
06/12/2017  Retail and Commercial Leases (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2017 View 
06/12/2017  Statutes Amendment (Drug Offenders) Bill 2017  View 
29/11/2017  Motor Vehicle (Suitability to Hold Licence) Amendment Bill 2017  View 
27/11/2017  Review of the Motor Vehicle Accidents (Lifetime Support Scheme) Act 2013  View
21/11/2017  Changing Driving Laws to Support Automated Vehicles View 
17/11/2017  My Health Record system data  View 
15/11/2017  Prevention and Early Intervention for the Development and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Bill   View 
02/11/2017  Limitation of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill View 
31/10/2017  Law of Contempt View 
30/10/2017 Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2017 View
30/10/2017  Statutes Amendment (Extremist Material) Bill 2017 View
25/10/2017 Research, Development and Innovation Bill 2017 View
20/10/2017  Statutes Amendment (Child Exploitation and Encrypted Material Bill 
13/10/2017 Statutes Amendment (Recidivist and Repeat Offenders) Bill 2017 View
26/09/2017  Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Bill 2017 View
15/09/2017 Statutes Amendment (SACAT No 2) Bill 2017 View
15/09/2017 Labour Hire Licensing Bill 2017 (SA) View
01/09/2017  Draft regulations - new trial listing fees View 
31/08/2017 Inquiry into the Migration Act (Regulation of Migration Agents) Bill 2017 View
28/08/2017  Australian Border Force Amendment (Protected Information) Bill 2017 View
24/08/2017  Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio No 2) Bill 2017 View 
18/08/2017 Inquiry into the Incarceration Rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples View
18/08/2017 Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill 2017 (Amendments by Hon Kelly Vincent MLC) View
18/08/2017  Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill 2017 (Amendments by Hon Robert Brokenshire MLC)  View 
18/08/2017 Family Law (Family Violence and Cross examination of Parties) Amendment View
18/08/2017 Parliamentary Committees (Public Assets Committee) Amendment Bill 2017 View
18/08/2017 Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment (Review) Amendment Bill View
10/08/2017 Law Society Submission for an increase in the Supreme Court Scale View
10/08/2017  Statutes Amendments (Youths Sentenced as Adults) Bill 2017 View
04/08/2017 Retail and Commercial Leases (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2017  View
04/08/2017 Summary Offences (Liquor Offences) Amendment Bill 2017 View 
04/07/2017 Statutes Amendment (Terror Suspect Detention) Bill 2017 View
20/07/2017  Jury Directions on Defences View
10/07/2017 Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations) Amendment Bill 2017 View
05/07/2017  Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex work) Bill 2015 View
30/06/2017 Civil Penalties Regime for Non-Consensual Sharing of Intimate Images View
15/06/2017 Summary Offences (Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill 2017
15/06/2017 Limitation of Actions (Institutional Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill 2016 View
08/06/2017 Letter to Commissioner of State Taxation regarding Third Party Reporting View
02/06/2017 Funding to Community Legal Centres View
25/05/2017 State Framework for Altruistic Surrogacy View
09/05/2017 Constitutional Recognition Discussion Paper View
08/05/2017 Work Health and Safety (Representative Assistance) Amendment Bill 2017 View
05/05/2017 Letter to Members of the Legislative Council regarding the Children and Young People (Safety) Bill 2017 View
02/05/2017 Parliamentary Inquiry into a Better Family Law System to Support and Protect Those Affected by Family Violence View
21/04/2017 Review of the Motor Vehicle Accidents (Lifetime Support Scheme) Act 2013 View
21/04/2017 Proposed increases to South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal fees View
21/04/2017 Proposed Amendments to Foreign Bribery Offences View
21/04/2017 Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia View
21/04/2017 Civil Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 View
11/04/2017 Industry Advocate Bill 2017 View
10/04/2017  Hearing: Inquiry into Social Welfare System View
31/03/2017  Children and Young People (Safety) Bill 2017 View 
14/03/2017  Elder Abuse Discussion Paper View
03/03/2017 Draft Principles relating to persons found unfit to plead or not guilty by reason of cognitive or mental health impairment View
22/02/2017 Firearms Regulations 2017  View 
16/02/2017 Relationships Register Act 2016 View
16/02/2017  Electronic Transactions (Legal Proceedings) Amendment Bill 2016  View 
27/01/2017  Children and Young People (Safety) Bill 2016 View
27/01/2017 Electronic Lodgement of stand-alone mortgage/discharge of mortgage dealings and refinance transactions View
19/01/2017 Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement Inquiry into Human Trafficking View 
16/01/2017  Liquor Licensing (Liquor Review) Amendment Bill 2016  View
16/01/2017  Access to Retained Data in Civil Proceedings View 
Date issued
22/12/2016  Terms of Reference for the Australian Law Reform Commission Inquiry into the Incarceration Rate of Indigenous Australians View
16/12/2016 Land Services Commercialisation View
12/12/2016  Australian Consumer Law (Free Range Egg Labelling) Information Standard 2017 View
07/12/2016  Recommendation that Clause 25(2)(c)(ii) of Schedule 3 to the Legal Practitioners Act 1981 (SA) be repealed View
07/12/2016  Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill 2016  View
05/12/2016  Inquiry into Freedom of Speech in Australia  View
28/11/2016 Land Services Commercialisation View 
14/11/2016  Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee inquiry into the Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016 View
11/11/2016 Establishment of a single telephone number for access to legal assistance  View
08/11/2016  Return to Work Inquiry View
31/10/2016  Transforming Criminal Justice - Major Indictable Reform  View
07/10/2016 Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Bill 2016 View
07/10/2016 Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill 2016 View
04/10/2016  Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill 2016 View
28/09/2016  Health Care (Privacy and Confidentiality) Bill 2016 View
21/09/2016  Child Abuse Cases  View
16/09/2016  Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill 2016 View
15/09/2016  Births, Deaths and Marriages (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill 2016  View 
13/09/2016  Sentencing Bill 2016  View 
05/09/2016  Domestic Violence Discussion Paper  View
26/08/2016  Draft Protection and Wellbeing of Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill 2016  View
25/08/2016  Cutting the Cake - South Australian Rules of Intestacy  View
24/08/2016  Review of the Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 View
19/08/2016  Consultation Paper on proposed changes to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009  View
15/08/2016  Public Intoxication (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill 2016 View
27/07/2016 Australian National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals  View
29/07/2016  Statutes Amendment (Judicial Registrars) Amendment Bill 2016  View
08/07/2016  Exposure draft - Youth Justice Administration Regulations 2016  View
08/07/2016  Fine Default Imprisonment  View 
05/07/2016  Draft Electronic Transactions (Criminal Proceedings) Amendment Bill 2016  View
04/07/2016  Regulatory options for automated vehicles - NTC Discussion Paper  View
04/07/2016 Draft Summary Procedure (Service) Amendment Bill 2016  View
28/06/2016  Courts Administration Authority Court Fees proposals  View 
09/06/2016  Animal Welfare (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2016  View
03/06/2016  Review of questioning and detention powers in relation to terrorism View 
03/06/2016  Bail Variation Regulations  View 
30/05/2016  Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill 2016 View 
17/05/2016  Statutes Amendment (Special Arrangements Relating to Evidence of Victims of Domestic Abuse) Bill 2016  View 
12/05/2016  Policy Statement on Human Rights and the Legal Profession:  Key Principles and Comments View 
04/05/2016  To Members of SA Parliament from CTP Executive: Magistrates Court (Monetary Limits) Amendment Bill 2016  View
02/05/2016 Submission to Attorney-General: Magistrates Court (Monetary Limits) Amendment Bill 2016  View
26/04/2016  Draft Summary Offences (Declared Public Precincts) Amendment Bill 2016 View
18/04/2016  Review of the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 1988  View 
08/04/2016  Surveillance Devices (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill 2016  View 
22/03/2016  Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2016  View
21/03/2016  Inquiry into the Motor Accident Commission  View
21/03/2016 Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill 2016  View
21/03/2016  Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2016  View 
18/03/2016  Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2016  View 
15/03/2016  Regulatory Barriers to More Automated Road and Rail Vehicles, Issues Paper  View
11/03/2016  Review of Exceptions under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984  View
10/03/2016  Draft Equitable Briefing Policy  View
10/03/2016  Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Criminal Justice Issues Session  View
02/03/2016 Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Reference Committee inquiry into conditions and treatment of asylum seekers and refugees at the regional processing centres in the Republic of Nauru and Papua New Guinea
02/03/2016  LSSA State Budget Submission 2016-17 View 
23/02/2016  Court Ordered and Judge Conducted Mediations View
22/02/2016  Draft Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill  View 
17/02/2016  Productivity Commission Issues Paper: Regulation of Australian Agriculture View
16/02/2016  Supreme Court (Probate Fees) Variation Regulations 2016  View 
15/02/2016  Joint General Comment on the Human Rights of Children in the context of International Migration  View
10/02/2016  Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill 2015  View 
04/02/2016  Inquiry into indefinite detention of people with cognitive and psychiatric impairment in Australia View 
03/02/2016  Inquiry into Human Trafficking (LCA)  View 
01/02/2016  Select Committee on Jumps Racing  View
07/01/2016  Inquiry into the Phenomenon Colloquially Referred to as "Revenge Pornography" View
Date issued
21/12/2015 Criminal Code Amendment (Firearms Trafficking) Bill 2015 View
10/12/2015  Consultation on draft Federal Court Practice Notes View
27/11/2015  Free Range Egg Labelling Consultation Paper View
26/11/2015  Surveillance Devices Bill 2015 View
16/11/2015  Inquiry into proposed amendment to the Births Deaths & Marriages Regulations 2011  View 
13/11/2015  Clinical Neuropsychology Assessment Services View
06/11/2015 ATO Position paper - Assessability of lump sum redemption amounts income tax: Assessability of lump sum redemption amounts under s53 or s54 of the Return to Work Act 2015 (SA) View
 02/11/2015 National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination against Older Australians and those with a Disability View 
 22/10/2015 Statutes Amendment (Home Detention) Bill 2015 View
 22/10/2015 Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill 2015 View
 21/10/2015 Tattooing Industry Control Bill 2015 View
 16/10/2015 Firearms Bill 2015 View
 16/10/2015 Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex work) Bill 2015 View
 15/10/2015 Public Notaries View
 09/10/2015 Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Charging for a Migration Outcome) Bill 2015 View
 29/09/2015 Families with Complex Needs & the Intersection of the Family Law and Child Protection Systems View
 23/09/2015 Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Bill 2015 View
 14/09/2015 The Productivity Commission Inquiry into Workplace Relations - Submissions of the Law Council of Australia View
 11/09/2015 ALRC Inquiry into Traditional Rights and Freedoms View
 07/09/2015 Inquiry into Foreign Bribery View
 07/09/2015 Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulation Bill 2015 View
 01/09/2015 Statutes Amendment (Firearms Offences) Bill 2015 View
25/08/2015  Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2015 View
 24/08/2015  Inquiry into Personal Choice and Community Impacts View
24/08/2015  Youth Justice Administration Bill 2015 View
   Explanatory Statement View
 10/08/15  Inquiry into proposed amendment to the Births Deaths and Marriages Registration  Regulations 2011  View
30/07/2015  Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission View
14/07/2015  Magistrates Court Civil Rules 2013 View 
14/07/2015  COAT Best Practice Guide to Tribunal Independence in Appointments  View
08/07/2015  Australian Citizenship (Allegiance to Australia) Amendment Bill View
30/06/2015  Proposed changes to Dog and Cat Management Act and Introduction of Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs and Cats in Breeding Facilities View
30/06/2015  Proposed changes to Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 View
29/06/2015  Correctional Services (Parole) Amendment Bill 2015 View
29/06/2015  Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill 2015 View
22/06/2015  Review of Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act(SA) View
15/06/2015  Increases in Family Court and Federal Court Fees View
15/06/2015  Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Amendment Bill 2015 View
15/06/2015  Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Bill 2015 View
10/06/2015 Inquiry into Violence, Abuse and Neglect in Institutional and Residential Settings  View 
08/06/2015  Australian Citizenship Discussion Paper
02/06/2015  Harmonised Expert Witness Code of Conduct View
02/06/2105  Inquiry into the Partial Defence of Provocation View
01/06/2015  Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Bill 2015 View
29/05/2015  Expert Evidence in Personal Injury Cases View
29/05/2015  Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment Bill 2015 View
22/05/2015  Fair Trading (Franchising Industry Dispute Resolution Code) Regulations 2015 View
18/05/2015  Transforming Employment Dispute Resolution Policy Statement View 
14/05/2015  Extending Unfair Contract Term Protections to Small Businesses View
08/05/2015  Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Bill 2015 View
07/05/2015  Families with Complex Needs and the Intersection of the Family Law and Child Protection Systems View
04/05/2015  Select Committee on the recent allegations relating to conditions and circumstances at the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru View
01/05/2015  Animal Welfare (Greyhound Training) Amendment Bill 2015 View
29/04/2015  Select Committee on the recent allegations to conditions and circumstances at the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru View
24/04/2015  Aboriginal Regional Authority Policy View
24/04/2015  Review into the South Australian Taxation System View
22/04/2015 Inquiry into the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015 View
15/04/2015  Advance Care Directives  View
13/04/2015 Co-operatives National Law - draft local regulations View
10/04/2015 Crimes Legislation Amendment (Powers, Offences and other Measures) Bill 2015  View
10/04/2015 Review of the Bail Regulations 2000 View
30/03/2015  Migration Amendment (Strengthening Biometrics Integrity) Bill 2015 View
27/03/2015  Review of the SA Adoption Act 1988 and Adoption Regulations 2004 View
26/03/2015  Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bill 2015 View
26/03/2015  Accessible Information in Emergency Situations - Improving Emergency Management View
23/03/2015  Electronic Transactions Act - Exemption for Land Transactions View
20/03/2015  Fair Trading (SA Free-Range Egg Industry Code) Regulations 2015 View 
19/03/2015  Universal Periodic Review Shadow Report - List of Issues View
19/03/2015  Possible recognition of the SA Bar Association in the Legal Practitioners Act 1981 View 
18/03/2015  Criminal Code Amendment (Animal Protection) Bill View
13/03/2015  Work Health and Safety (Prosecutions under Repealed Act) Amendment Bill 2015 View
10/03/2015  Criminal Law (Extended Supervision Orders) Bill 2015 View
06/03/2015 Statutes Amendment (Youth Court) Bill 2015 - Consultation Draft View 
05/03/2015  Return to Work Act 2014 View 
20/02/2015  Review of Building and Construction Industry Security View
19/02/2015  Review of Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 View
10/02/2015  Child Development & Well-being Bill 2015 View 
04/02/2015  Legal Profession Uniform Law - Rules Consultation View 
02/02/2015  Draft Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bill 2015 View 
02/02/2015 Terms of Reference Royal Commission into Child Protection Systems View
28/01/2015  Impairment Assessment Guidelines Consultation View
Date issued
16/12/2014  Saleyard Welfare Standards View 
10/12/2014  Closure of Magistrates Courts View
02/12/2014 Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2014 View
28/11/2014  Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2014 View
28/11/2014  Review: National Parks and Wildlife (Wildlife) Regulations 2001 View
17/11/2014 Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill View
11/11/2014  Review: Section 98 of the Legal Practitioners Act  View 
13/11/2014  Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Offences-Cognitive Impairment) Amendment Bill 2014 View
07/11/2014  Juries (Prejudicial Publicity) Amendment Bill 2014 View 
30/10/2014  Stolen Generation (Compensation) Bill 2014 View
28/10/2014  Inquiry into the Partial Defence of Provocation  View
20/10/2014  Early resolution of Major Indictable Crime Charges  View
15/10/2014  Consultation on definition of "the Court" in the Commercial Arbitration Act 2011 View
01/10/2014  Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill 2014 View 
30/09/2014  Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill View 
25/09/2014  Animal Welfare (Companion Animals) Amendment Bill 2014 View
22/09/2014  Review of the Mental Health Act 2009 View 
19/09/2014  Losing it:  State schemes for storing and locating wills  View
05/09/2014  Return to Work Bill 2014 and South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill 2014 View
28/08/2014 Need for a National Approach to Retail Leasing Arrangements  View
19/08/2014  Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults Causing Death) Amendment Bill 2014 View
12/08/2014  Draft Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into the Safety of at Risk Children View
31/07/2014 National Security Legislation Amendment (No 1) Bill View
28/07/2014  Productivity Commission Access to Justice Arrangements View
28/07/2014  Civil Liability (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Bill 2014 View
24/07/2014 Attorney-General re Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill View
24/07/2014  Shadow A-G re Commissioner for Children and Young People View
04/07/2014  Surveillance Devices Bill 2014 View
04/07/2014  Child Development and Wellbeing Bill 2014 View
25/06/2014  Inquiry into the Criminal Law Consolidation (Provocation) Amendment Bill 2013  View
19/06/2014  Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – Seventh Issues Paper – Statutory Victims of Crime Compensation Schemes  View
13/06/2014  Review of the Provision and Procurement of Legal Aid Services in South Australia’s Criminal Courts  View
13/06/2014  Joint Submission with SA Bar - Review of the Provision and Procurement of Legal Aid Services in South Australia’s Criminal Courts  View
11/06/2014  Statutes Amendment (Legal Practitioners) Bill 2014  View
06/06/2014  Proposed Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Exhibited Animals  View
03/06/2014  Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill 2014  View
30/05/2014  Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Character Evidence) Amendment Bill 2014  View
27/05/2014  National Attrition and Re-engagement Study Draft Report and Discussion Paper  View
23/05/2014  Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill 2014  View
21/05/2014  Productivity Commissions Draft Report into Access to Justice Arrangements  View
16/05/2014  Administration of Small Deceased Estates and Resolution of Minor Succession Disputes  View
14/05/2014  Law Society response Draft Legal Practitioners Regulations 2014  View
12/05/2014  Australian Human Rights Commission National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014  View
09/05/2014  Draft Regulations under the Advance Care Directives Act 2013 and Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995  View
06/05/2014  Draft Legal Practitioners Regulations 2014  View
01/05/2014  Amendments to the Franchising Code and the Competition and Consumer Act 2010  View
17/04/2014  Amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 - Freedom of Speech (Repeal of s18C) Bill 2014  View
28/03/2014  Draft Disability Justice Plan  View
28/03/2014  Draft Advance Care Directive DIY Kit  View
14/03/2014  Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2013  View
13/03/2014  Too Much Information - A Statutory Cause of Action for Invasion of Privacy  View
05/03/2014  Further Comments on the Same Sex Marriage Bill 2013  View
26/02/2014  Aligning Paper and Electronic Conveyancing Requirements  View
25/02/2014  Children's E-Safety Commissioner for Online Safety  View
20/02/2014  Amendments to the Farm Management Deposits Scheme  View
06/02/2014  Review into Commonwealth Laws for Consistency with Traditional Rights, Freedoms and Privileges  View
29/01/2014  Pregnancy and Return to Work National Review  View
14/01/2014  Migration Amendment (Regaining Control Over Australia's Protection Obligations) Bill 2013  View
14/01/2014  Issues Paper on Witness Oaths and Affirmations  View
14/01/2014  Draft Advance Care Directive DIY Kit  View
Date issued
17/12/2013  Copy of Submission to Review of the Demand Driven Funding System  View
13/12/2013  Oversupply of Law Students and Law Graduates  View
06/12/2013  Youth Justice Administration Bill Discussion Paper  View
05/12/2013  Justice Impact Assessment Policy Statement  View
04/12/2013  Review of the Whistleblowers Protection Act 1993  View
27/11/2013  Firearms (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2013  View
26/11/2013  Migration Amendment (Subclass 050 and Subclass 051 Visas) Regulation 2013  View
21/11/2013  Spent Convictions (Decriminalised Offences) Amendment Bill 2013  View
19/11/2013  Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Sentences of Indeterminate Duration) Amendment Bill 2013  View
13/11/2013  Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offender Assets) Amendment Bill 2012  View
11/11/2013  Young Offenders (Release on Licence) Amendment Bill 2013  View
11/11/2013  Review of the Mental Health Act 2009  View
04/11/2013  Productivity Commission Issues Paper into Access to Justice Arrangements  View
29/10/2013  Same Sex Marriage Bill 2013  View
29/10/2013  Draft Retail and Commercial Leases Guide  View
25/10/2013  Statutes Amendment (Health Information) Bill 2013  View
25/10/2013  Productivity Commission Inquiry A2J to Law Council  View
25/10/2013  Draft Fair Trading Regulations 2013  View
24/10/2013  Part 8a of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935  View
23/10/2013  Statutes Amendment (Assessment of Relevant History) Bill 2013  View
23/10/2013  Draft Child Development and Wellbeing Bill 2013  View
11/10/2013  Brokenshire - Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill 2013   View
11/10/2013  Assaults on Police - Brokenshire  View
11/10/2013  A-G re Evidence (Discreditable Conduct) Amendment Bil 2013  View
10/10/2013  Amendments to the Statutes Amendment (Police) Bill 2013  View
09/10/2013  Statutes Amendment Arrest Procedures and Bail  View
02/10/2013  WorkCover Improvement Project  View
26/09/2013  Aboriginal Lands Trust Bill 2013  View
24/09/2013  WorkCover Corporation (Governance) Amendment Bill 2013  View
24/09/2013  Further Amendments to Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio)(No 3) Bill 2013  View
24/09/2013  Criminal Law Consolidation (Protection for Working Animals) Amendment Bill 2013  View
20/09/2013  Supplementary Submission re Electronic Conveyancing National Law (South Australia) Bill 2013  View
20/09/2013  Draft Child Development Bill 2013  View
18/09/2013  Amendments to Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 3) Bill 2013  View
16/09/2013  Succession Duties Repeal Bill 2013  View
16/09/2013  Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill 2013  View
12/09/2013  Child Sex Offenders Registration (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2013  View
09/09/2013  Local Excellence Expert Panel 'Towards the Council of the Future'  View
06/09/2013  Options for Online Publication of Authorised Law Reports  View
06/09/2013  Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care (Withdrawal of Nutrition and Hydration) Amendment Bill 2013  View
05/09/2013  Aboriginal Regional Authorities  View
02/09/2013  Equal Opportunity (Exemption for Sporting Activities) Amendment Bill 2013  View
29/08/2013  Implementation of Labour Market Testing for 457 Visas  View
21/08/2013  Towards Healing Second Issues Paper (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse)  View
20/08/2013  Electronic Conveyancing National Law (South Australia) Bill 2013  View
16/08/2013  South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Bill 2013  View
09/08/2013  Funding for Legal Assistance in the National Disability Insurance Scheme  View
08/08/2013  Late Payment of Government Debts (Interest) Bill 2013  View
29/07/2013  Industry Code for Growing Free Range Eggs in South Australia  View
29/07/2013  Improving the Criminal Justice System for People with Disability  View
24/07/2013  Criminal Law Consolidation (Dishonest Dealings with Children) Amendment Bill 2013  View
22/07/2013  Serious and Organised Crime (Control) (Declared Organisations) Amendment Bill 2013  View
22/07/2013  Review of the Franchising Code of Conduct Recommendations  View
19/07/2013  Working with Children Checks (Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse)  View
15/07/2013  Motor Vehicles (Periodic Payments) Amendment Bill 2013  View
12/07/2013  Scrap the Cap on Self-Education Expenses  View
10/07/2013  Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test and Other Provisions) Act 2011  View
10/07/2013  ACARA Draft Years 3-10 Australian Curriculum in Civics and Citizenship (Legal Studies)  View
09/07/2013  Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture  View
09/07/2013  Complex Criminal Law Panel  View
05/07/2013  Inquiry into the sale and consumption of alcohol  View
02/07/2013  Biometric Scanning and the Need for Privacy Laws in South Australia  View
01/07/2013  Removal of Diagrams on Certificates of Title  View
26/06/2013  Retail and Commercial Leases Regulations 2010  View
26/06/2013  Abolition of the Defence of Provocation in South Australia  View
25/06/2013  Letter to Chief Judge Muecke re Amendment to Rule 263  View
25/06/2013  Equal recognition before the law and legal capacity for people with disabilities  View
18/06/2013  Trade In Services Agreement Negotiations  View
18/06/2013  Draft Graffiti Control Regulations 2013  View
14/06/2013  Letter to Chief Magistrate Bolton  View
11/06/2013  Review of the Retirement Villages Act 1987  View
07/06/2013  Magistrates (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2013  View
05/06/2013  Statutes Amendment (Dangerous Driving) Bill 2013  View
05/06/2013  Important Change to Determination of Cost under Section 23 of the Disability Services Act 1986  View
04/06/2013  Statutes Amendment (Fines Enforcement and Recovery) Bill 2013  View
29/05/2013  Criminal Law (Provocation) Amendment Bill 2013  View
29/05/2013  Australia in the Asian Century White Paper - Development of Country Strategies - Indonesia and the Philippines  View
28/05/2013  Inquiry into Surveillance Devices  View
28/05/2013  Changes to Self-Education Expense Deductions  View
28/05/2013  Australia in the Asian Century White Paper - Development of Country Strategies - China  View
22/05/2013  Magistrates Court Civil Rules  View
21/05/2013  WorkCover Improvement Project  View
06/05/2013  Criminal Code Amendment (Misrepresentation of Age to a Minor) Bill 2013  View
02/05/2013  Major Events Bill 2013  View
01/05/2013  Burial and Cremation Bill 2012 (Proposed Amendments)  View
29/04/2013  Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2013  View
26/04/2013  Costs Scales in the Revised Draft Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules 2013  View
19/04/2013  South Australian Work Health and Safety Codes of Practice  View
19/04/2013  Easter Sunday Trading  View
18/04/2013  Impact of Federal Court Fee Increases on Access to Justice  View
17/04/2013  Insurance Contracts Amendment Bill 2013  View
12/04/2013  Sureties' Guarantees for Letters of Administration  View
12/04/2013  Appendix A Sureties' Guarantees for Letters of Administration  View
09/04/2013  Proposed Government Amendment to Work Health and Safety (Self-Incrimination) Amendment Bill 2013  View
04/04/2013  Lay Advocates in the Magistrates Court  View
03/04/2013  Consultation on Review of Family Law Services  View
28/03/2013  Consultation Revised Draft Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules 2013  View
27/03/2013  Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill 2013  View
22/03/2013  Draft National Disability Insurance Scheme Rules 2013  View
21/03/2013  Evidence (Identification) Amendment Bill 2012 (Bill No. 91)  View
19/03/2013  Further Amendments to the Statutes Amendment (Appeals) Bill 2012  View
18/03/2013  Children's Protection (Harbouring) Amendment Bill 2012  View
15/03/2013  Yuen v Police [2012] SASC 149  View
12/03/2013  Aboriginal Lands Trust Bill 2012  View
06/03/2013  Law Society concerned about proposed mandatory imprisonment laws  View
01/03/2013  Ending Life with Dignity Bill 2013  View
28/02/2013  National Disability Insurance Scheme Rules Consultation Paper  View
25/02/2013  Social Security (Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment) Principle 2012  View
22/02/2013  Inquiry into the South Australian Taxation System  View
21/02/2013  Review of the Franchising Code of Conduct  View
21/02/2013  Consultation Draft Magistrates Court Civil Rules 2013  View
19/02/2013  Work Health and Safety (Self-Incrimination) Amendment Bill 2013  View
15/02/2013  Independent Education Inquiry  View
13/02/2013  Consultation Paper on Fuel Price Boards  View
11/02/2013  Draft Law Council Policy Statements on Principles applying to Detention  View
08/02/2013  Crimes Legislation Amendment (Organised Crime and Other Measures) Bill 2012  View
07/02/2013  Inquiry into the South Australian Taxation System  View
06/02/2013  Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse  View
01/02/2013  Select Committee on Dogs and Cats as Companion Animals  View
01/02/2013  Appendix to Select Committee on Dogs and Cats as Companion Animals  View
31/01/2013  Statutes Amendment (Appeals) Bill 2012  View
31/01/2013  Proposed Verification of Identity Policy  View
31/01/2013  Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment Bill 2012  View
30/01/2013  Liquor Licensing (Small Venue Licence) Amendment Bill 2012 and Liquor Licensing (Entertainment) Amendment Bill 2012  View
25/01/2013  National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012  View
24/01/2013  Summary Offences (Filming Offences) Amendment Bill 2012  View
24/01/2013  Statutes Amendment (Director's Liability) Bill 2012  View
23/01/2013  National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012  View
22/01/2013  Burial and Cremation Bill 2012  View
21/01/2013  Statutes Amendment (Real Estate Reform Review and Other Matters) Bill 2012  View
21/01/2013  Criminal Law Consolidation (Cheating At Gambling) Amendment Bill 2012  View
10/01/2013  Constitution (Recognition of Aboriginal Peoples) Amendment Bill 2012  View
10/01/2013  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Recognition Bill 2012  View
Date issued
19/12/2012  Spent Convictions (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2012  View
18/12/2012  Victims of Crime (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2012  View
17/12/2012  Civil Partnerships Bill 2012  View
14/12/2012  Exposure Draft of the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012  View
13/12/2012  Evidence (Identification) Amendment Bill 2012  View
03/12/2012  Migration Amendment (Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals and Other Measures) Bill 2012  View
30/11/2012  Certificate of Referral to a Medical Panel Forms  View
26/11/2012  Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse  View
26/11/2012  Payroll Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2012  View
23/11/2012  National Congress' Draft National Justice Policy  View
22/11/2012  Advance Care Directives Bill 2012  View
14/11/2012  Surveillance Devices Bill 2012 Hon. Ann Bressington's Amendments  View
14/11/2012  Animal Welfare (Commercial Breeding of Companion Animals) Amendment Bill 2012  View
12/11/2012  Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2012  View
12/11/2012  ALRC Discussion Paper - Age Barriers to Work in Commonwealth Laws  View
09/11/2012  Inquiry into South Australia's Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme 2012 Green Paper  View
07/11/2012  Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2012) (No 2) Bill 2012  View
07/11/2012  Draft Fifth Report by Australia on the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment  View
31/10/2012  FATF Questionnaire - Members, Disciplinary Actions and Money-Laundering Risks  View
18/10/2012  New Child Development Legislation Discussion Paper No 5  View
11/10/2012  Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bill 2012 - Clause 54 Amendment  View
05/10/2012  Surveillance Devices Bill 2012  View
27/09/2012  National Disability Insurance Scheme - 'Eligibility' and 'Reasonable and Necessary Support'  View
26/09/2012  Federal Magistrates Court - Notice of Risk  View
25/09/2012  Time for Respect  View
20/09/2012  Statutes Amendment (Interstate Advance Directives) Bill 2012  View
18/09/2012  Graffiti Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2012  View
17/09/2012  Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Slavery, and Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking  View
05/09/2012  Public Consultation on Housing Improvement Bill 2012 to Minister for Social Housing  View
05/09/2012  Law Council response to Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers Recommendations  View
04/09/2012  ADR Assisting people experiencing disadvantage  View
03/09/2012  Inquiry by Independent National Security Legislation Monitor  View
31/08/2012  Public Consultation on Housing Improvement Bill 2012 to Housing SA  View
31/08/2012  COAG Review of Counter-Terrorism Legislation  View
30/08/2012  Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Guilty Pleas) and (Supergrass) Amendment Bills 2012  View
24/08/2012  Suppression orders and the internet  View
24/08/2012  Statutes Amendment (Courts Efficiency Reforms) Bill 2012  View
16/08/2012  Review of Professional Standards Act 2004 (SA)  View
16/08/2012  Evidence (Suppression Orders) Amendment Bill 2012  View
14/08/2012  Australian Poultry Industries Association Certificate Trade Mark Application ACCC Consultation  View
12/08/2012  Code of Practice for the Human Destruction of Wombats by shooting in SA  View
10/08/2012  Review of the National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services  View
02/08/2012  SALRI Issue Paper Computer Says No - Modernisation of SA evidence law to deal with new technologies  View
27/07/2012  Regulatory Impact Statement on Electronic Conveyancing National Law  View
27/07/2012  Harnessing the benefits of technology to improve access to justice - Cth Analysis Paper  View
26/07/2012  Statutes Amendment (Real Estate Reform Review and Other Matters) Bill 2012  View
16/07/2012  Crimes Legislation Amendment (Slavery, Slavery-like Conditions and People Trafficking) Bill 2012  View
13/07/2012  Power of Attorney and Agency (Interstate Powers of Attorney) Amendment Bill 2012  View
13/07/2012  Military Court of Australia Bills 2012  View
13/07/2012  Asylum Seekers Expert Panel  View
29/06/2012  Statutes Amendment (Sex Work Reform) Bill 2012  View
29/06/2012  AECL Certificate Trade Mark Application ACCC Consultation  View
28/06/2012  Resolving Disputes without Courts - Measuring the Impact of Civil Pre-action Obligations  View
26/06/2012  Statutes Amendment (Serious Firearms Offences) Bill 2012  View
26/06/2012  Food (Labelling of Free - range Eggs) Amendment Bill 2012  View
21/06/2012  List of Issues Prior to Reporting - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Review  View
15/06/2012  Review of Residential Tenancies Act 1995  View
08/06/2012  Australian Human Rights Commission Amendment (National Childrens Commissioner) Bill 2012  View
02/06/2012  Age barriers to work in Commonwealth-laws  View
25/05/2012  Inquiry Criminal Cases Review Commission Bill  View
23/05/2012  Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bill 2012  View
10/05/2012  Select Committee on Disability Access to the Justice System  View
10/05/2012  Births Deaths and Marriages Registration (Registration of Still-births) Amendment Bill  View
04/05/2012  Legal Practitioners (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2012  View
27/04/2012  SA CTP Insurance Scheme Green Paper  View
23/04/2012  s73A Administration of Animal Welfare Act 1985  View
12/04/2012  Select Committee on Disability Access to the Justice System  View
12/04/2012  Inquiry into the Stolen Generations Reparation Tribunal Bill 2010  View
05/04/2012  Third Optional Protocol to Convention of Rights of the Child  View
05/04/2012  Inquiry into Stillbirths  View
28/03/2012  The Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture  View
22/03/2012  Review of Chapter 2 of the Criminal Code  View
22/03/2012  Inquiry into the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010  View
05/03/2012  Statutes Amendment (Courts Efficiency Reforms) Bill 2011  View
05/03/2012  Statutes Amendment (Attorney-Generals Portfolio) Bill 2011  View
20/02/2012  Migration Amendment (Removal of Mandatory Minimum Penalties) Bill 2012  View
17/02/2012  Fair Work Australia unfair dismissal procedures  View
17/02/2012  Discussion Paper Alternative Dispute Resolution and the possible Role of pro bono lawyers  View
15/02/2012  Business Names Bills  View
14/02/2012  Australia's National Human Rights Action Plan 2012-Exposure Draft  View
30/01/2012  Draft Coroners (Inquests into Stillbirths) Amendment) Bill 2012  View
23/01/2012  Proposal to amend the Spent Convictions Act 1993  View
23/01/2012  Discussion Paper Online Thuggery  View
19/01/2012  Consolidation of Commonwealth Anti-Discrimination Laws  View
04/01/2012  Inquiry into the Criminal Cases Review Commission  View
Date issued
15/12/2011  Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes  View
07/12/2011  Inquiry into the Stolen Generations Reparation Tribunal Bill 2010  View
07/12/2011  Expiation of Offences (Speeding Offences) Amendment Bill 2011  View
16/11/2011  Retail and Commercial Leases Regulations 2010  View
16/11/2011  Draft Sex Work Industry Bill 2011  View
09/11/2011  Operational Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT)  View
03/11/2011  Statutes Amendment (Drug Driving) Bill 2011  View
03/11/2011  Road Traffic (Average Speed) Amendment Bill 2011  View
31/10/2011  Review 0f Division 4 Part 8A of the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935  View
31/10/2011  Onshore processing of asylum seekers  View
24/10/2011  Harmonisation of Criminal Appeals Legislation  View
20/10/2011  Small Business Commissioner Bill 2011  View
17/10/2011  Residential Building Mandatory Disclosure Initiative  View
12/10/2011  LSSA and SA Bar Joint Proportionate Liability Submission  View
10/10/2011  Improving Fines Collection and Enforcement Discussion Paper  View
10/10/2011  Evidence (Hearsay Rule Exemption) Amendment Bill 2011  View
30/09/2011  Model Limitation Period for Personal Injury Actions  View
19/09/2011  Serious and Organised Crime Bills Package  View
19/09/2011  Mediator Standards Board Options-Paper  View
19/09/2011  Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment Bill 2011  View
15/09/2011  Small Business Commissioner Bill 2011  View
15/09/2011  Child Employment Bill 2011  View
11/09/2011  Electronic Transactions (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2011  View
08/09/2011  Road Traffic (Red Light Offences) Amendment Bill 2011  View
08/09/2011  Proposed amendments to the Facial Identification Bill 2010  View
01/09/2011  Strategy For Advancing Appearances by Female Advocates  View
30/08/2011  Inquiry into Australian Malaysian Asylum Seeker Agreement  View
23/08/2011  Options for reform of Administrative Review in South Australia  View
19/08/2011  Review of Section 71A of the Evidence Act 1929  View
19/08/2011  Baseline Study for a National Human Rights Plan  View
15/08/2011  Expiation of Offences (Speeding Offences) Amendment Bill 2011  View
15/08/2011  Criminal Law (Sentencing) (No Conviction on Election to be Prosecuted) Amendment Bill 2011  View
03/08/2011  Discussion Paper Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009  View
01/08/2011  Child Sex Offenders Registration Act  View