Legal Research: Getting the most out of free and E-resources
Legal Research: Getting the most out of free and E-resources
Wednesday 2 November 2016
Recording and paper
Length: 1 hour 23 minutes
Professional Skills
Recorded on 2 November 2016

Miss Jo Battiste, Mitchell Chambers
Dr Rachael Gray Victoria Square Chambers

This seminar is aimed at teaching practitioners effective techniques for using free and electronic resources for legal research.

Practitioners should learn how to quickly search for and locate specific authorities and legislation using different electronic resources which are available to them.

Practitioners should also learn methods for conducting in-depth research on different electronic resources including: how to construct complex searches for authorities or commentary related to a particular topic, word or phrase or section of legislation; how to locate extrinsic materials to legislation; how to locate subsequent citations of cases; and how to use several internet tools and resources to discover and obtain relevant further or difficult-to-obtain information.

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