JCCD Working with Interpreters for Legal Practitioners eLearning Course

Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $99 or $49 for legal centres/legal aid/non-for-profits
Access: via MyAus Learning

The Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity delivers an eLearning course designed to give legal practitioners a working understanding of the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals.

The course covers

Interpreters in legal settings
Learn how the work of interpreters is essential to ensuring access to justice and procedural fairness

Best practice standards
Discover the best practice standards for interpretation in courts and tribunals

Roles and responsibilities
Identify the roles and responsibilities of interpreters working in courts and tribunals

Using the Model Rules
Apply the Model Rules that guide courts, tribunals, legal practitioners and judicial officers in engaging and working with interpreters and translators

For more information, visit the course webpage or email secretariat@jccd.org.au.